Our GCSE and IGCSE Courses

Spanish Coming August 2019
German Coming Soon
English Coming Soon
Chemistry Coming Soon
Physics Coming Soon
Biology Coming Soon

Created by Students

According to the International Journal of Educational Research, students perform better academically when answers are provided by their peers than when the same answers are offered by their teachers. Our courses are created by top students while they prepare for and shortly after they take the exams they're writing about.

Focused on Exams

Sure, we cover the syllabus. But we also share in-depth advice to improve students' exam technique, offering exam-style questions and answers for students to practise and learn from. In short, we exam coach, so teachers don't have to. Instead, they can stick to teaching—that is, developing deep interest and understanding.

Animated Videos

Students are 22% more likely to retain what they learn watching our whiteboard-style videos than watching other styles of video. Plus, our videos increase student engagement and satisfaction.

Regular Active Recall

As soon as a student has taken in information, they will be asked questions about it. We've also built end-of-module quizzes so they can make sure they have a firm understanding of everything they learn. This increases retention by over 100%.

Gamified Learning Environment

With points, levels, badges and scoreboards, we tap into students' competitive side. Gamified learning has been shown to increase student engagement by over 50%.

Unrivalled Tools for Teachers

Teachers can set and track assignments, view their students' progress and engage with student scoreboards through our radically easy-to-use interface. All you have to do is select which modules you'd like your class to complete. We notify your students, they complete the assignment and we provide you with beautifully presented data showing their results. We guarantee to save you time.


Free for teachers,
subscription for individuals